You have to allow for exceptions. If you don't get a specific occurrence
from a correct instance date using GetOccurrence() you have to handle that
and check the Exceptions collection and see if a matching instance is in
that collection. Each Exception object has an OriginalDate property you use
for comparison to see if there's a match with the desired date. You can then
get the new properties of the Exception by using its AppointmentItem object
property, and you can check the Deleted property to see if the instance was
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.
"hemaneelagiri via" u54138@uwe wrote in message
when i am trying to get appointmnetitem by using GetOccurrence()
like this
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem RecurringAptItems = null;
RecurringAptItems =
it is giving below error
"You changed one of the recurrences of this item, and this instance no
exists. Close any open items and try again."
can u please help me
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