Forward from provider or forward from Hotmail?
MHL wrote:
I currently have my Comcast and Gmail forwarded to my Live account though my
Live account. It is very slow to get email this way on my computer through
Outlook. Does anyone else do this? Does anyone else not do this and have
their mail forwarded from their provider to Hotmail, rather than having
Hotmail handle the forward? Questions? Answers? Opinions?
How can Outlook be slow? It will poll at the intervals you configured
for each e-mail account defined with it (10 minutes, or longer is
recommended; under 5 minutes is considered abusive). Outlook can only
retrieve e-mails when they actually exist in the mailboxes you have it
query. Whatever you do on the server side has no effect on Outlook or
your bandwidth. So what do you really mean by "slow"?
When you configure a server-side option in your account to forward its
e-mail to elsewhere, you do not get to configure WHEN that forwarding
occurs. It might be immediate. It might get batched up and it will be
forwarded at some interval (which the e-mail provider won't tell you).
When the first mail server (which is NOT a relay) gets the message,
there will be a delay before it actually gets around to forwarding it to
the specified target mail server.
When forwarding, that mail server runs into the same problems it has for
any other mail server. The receiving mail server could be busy so it
rejects connections. The route between the servers could be so flooded
that transfer is too slow which causes timeouts. So the sending mail
server has to retry sending the same message. Could be a route is down
between sending and receiving mail hosts so e-mails cannot be sent until
the routing tables are updated (they really aren't that dynamic) or the
problematic host in the current route becomes responsive again.
You are chaining together the mail servers. That means for N servers in
the chain that every problem that is exerienced by 1 mail server could
be multipled N times. Some users like to use their Gmail account as a
collector for their other accounts because Gmail's spam filtering is
better than at their other e-mail providers. I did that for awhile, too
(except Gmail can incur up to a 1-hour delay when it POPs other
accounts). However, the more mail servers that are involved in the
transfer then the more likely problems will arise. You're also talking
about mail servers that were not specifically designed to be relay
Also remember that free accounts require you to login. E-mails arriving
into their mailbox are NOT logging into your account to deposit their
e-mails there. Enabling forwarding in an account does NOT login into
that account to perform that action. If you don't log into your freebie
account, eventually it may expire due to being idle too long. You might
get hundreds of e-mails per week through that freebie account but the
traffic doesn't count against the idle time which is measured based on
the last login. If you configure your Gmail account to forward its
e-mails, you are not logging into your Gmail account. That means it
will expire and go dead. Forwarding means the account doing the
forwarding might go dead because it was idle too long (i.e., no logins).
Alas, Hotmail is limited regarding forwarding and retrieving. For free
Hotmail accounts, you can only forward your e-mails to another
Live/Hotmail account. For retrieving, you can add other POP accounts
but all that does is add them to Hotmail's webmail page where you can
click on them to retrieve your e-mails from those other accounts.
Hotmail will not schedule periodic polls of those other accounts (to
keep them alive by having to login to do the POP access). You cannot
use a free Hotmail account to keep alive other freebie accounts.
Gmail does let you POP from other accounts, and that means it has to log
into those accounts, and that means those other accounts will stay
alive. The caveat with using Gmail to POP the other accounts and keep
them alive is that Gmail will slowly increase its poll interval when it
finds no new items to retrieve from those other POP accounts. Gmail
starts out polling at 5-minute intervals. If no new e-mails are found,
Gmail will increment the mail poll interval. Eventually that mail poll
interval will inch up to a maximum of 1 hour until Gmail eventually sees
a new e-mail from the POP'ed account. For example, you might register
at a forum site, they send a confirmation e-mail needed to complete that
registration (by clicking on a URL in that e-mail, but the account you
gave isn't polled by you but instead by Gmail and it could be an hour
before you get that confirmation e-mail for something you want to do
right now. So you could use Gmail to POP the other accounts to keep
them alive but there could be a long delay in delivery from those other
accounts plus you will have configure your local e-mail client to poll
your Gmail account to keep that one alive.
I can see using Gmail as a collector account due to its good spam
filtering. Hotmail uses Microsoft's SmartScreen and Symantec's
Brightmail spam filters which have historically not been as effective as
Gmail's filter. It is unclear if you are trying to meld multiple spam
filters together from multiple e-mail providers or merely using one
account as a collector for multiple accounts (but then why do you need
to do that since your e-mail client can poll all those same accounts)?
Gmail accounts are free so they will expire if left idle too long
(measured from the last login). You never did bother to identify if you
are using free or paid Live/Hotmail accounts.