which will do the equivalent in a couple of key strokes.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
| WYSIWYG. Paste the content into Notepad first then make any required
| before copy/pasting into an OE message.
| Robert11 wrote:
| Hello,
| Using OE 6 and running XP.
| I have very normal text paragraphs created in MS Office 2007 (WORD),
| No fancy WORD formatting, just a plain, very normal, letter, or text
| paragraph, e.g.
| If i copy and paste it into OE, it Always shows up with what appears to
| double line spacing.
| Or, perhaps you can say a "skipped" line.
| What I mean is a blank line in OE between each line of text.
| Any ideas why ?
| Thanks,
| B.