"Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]" wrote:
If you have Office and/or Outlook installed, every Office/Outlook update you
receive from Windows Update (or Microsoft Update or Office Update) will
reset Outlook as the default email client. If you normally use Outlook
Express, you'll need to go into 'Internet Options|Programs' and reset OE as
your default. You will have to do this again every time there is an update
to Office/Outlook applied to your PC.
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Live at Hot Licks - www.badnewsbluesband.com
"Harry Johnston [MVP]" wrote in message
Carpe Diem wrote:
I don't have zone alarm installed and it won't let me send email it
wants me
to create a profile in microsoft office outlook ?????? I have all my
coming into outlook express so I have profiles set there but its not
recognising these. so I have had to turn off the updates and roll back
yup my pc works fine now !!!
Install the updates one-by-one to see which (if any) is interfering with
Cross-posted to microsoft.public.outlook as they may be better able to
with this issue.
Hi Harry and others.
I posted my original "answer above out of date order and so have put it down
here again.
Sorry about that but here we go anyway.
I have had the same problem and I think I've solved it by reading all your
posts, so this is what I did.
Go to Control Panel
Internet Properties
Up your security rating to Restricted Sites.
Click on the up-down arrow and you will find: windowsspywaredefender.com.
Microsoft wouldn’t put this in there if it was theirs, so it seems that
somewhere on your computer you have installed “windowsspywaredefender” which
isn’t a Microsoft program but is spyware, I think!?
Find it and delete it which is what I did.
I also found a very old Zone Alarm dll and deleted it.
Turn off Automatic Updates in Control Panel
When you want to update your system click on Start then on Windows Update.
Since doing this I haven’t had that problem again with Software Distribution
Service3.0 downloading and installing.
I also don't use Microsoft Outlook so don't can't answer for that one.
Thanks for all your comments and tips.