Xref type property in an email header?
When I post this message, in the header it will contain an Xref number.
It contains the newsgroup and an identifier number
Some background info first. Looking at a header in a personal e-mail
(not Usenet) there is no Xref but it would be nice. For example, let's
say I had Customer Joe Blow and the ID for the customer record was 123,
if there were an Xref I could write to prior to sending, it might look
like Customer:123. If I could read the header, I'd know that the the
document was associated with the Customer table for Customer 123. Or
MyDatabaseAppBE:Customer:123 and it would know the database to update
would be MyDatabaseAppBE for Customer 123.
I could, of course, put something in the subject or body like C123 and a
program could parse it out so it knows it is associated with Customer
123. The downside of course is that the person responding could remove
that identifier by changing the subject line or snipping the body.
When I send a personal email, in the message header there is a MessageID
value. Something like
The reply will have something like
so one knows which message this was in reference to. Also, there is a
reference number. Something like
Now if the original message was forwarded to somebody else and then the
person that received the forwarded the message to you, the References
value would contain both my MessageID and the MessageID of the person
that forwarded the message and might look like
The MessageID will be that person's message identifier, in this case
The In-Reply-To would contain the person's message ID that forwarded the
message and in this example it might be something like
We can see the id of the message it was forwarded from, not my original
MessageID of .
My questions. Can I write a value to a message header prior to sending
the email?
If not, when I send a message using Outlook, how can I read/determine
the MessageID when it is sent? Typically I would be sending the email
from another application using VBA...in this case Access. So when I do
a .Send, I would need to read/determine the MessageID of the message and
then I could store that to a table. I could also do my own record
Last question. How can I read the message header to parse/determine the
In-Reply-To and/or References lines?
Thanks for any help.