No, PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS is only present on the mesgaes received
form an SMTP server.
I am not sure what did not work for you: are you trying to set a header on
an outgoing message?
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"Salad" wrote in message
Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:
You can read existing headers from the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS
proeprty, accessible through MAPI/CDO 1.21/Redemption or PropertyAccessor
in OUtlook 2007.
If you need to ste a custom property on an outgoing message, you will
need to set a special named property - see
Thanks much for your reply.
I was getting my info for my post from my machine at home on a Pop-3
account using O2003 using an email program other than Outlook. I then
looked at my account at work, using O2007, and checked the headers of my
Sent box. There were none. Same with my Outlook 2003 sent items. So
that seemed to shoot my concept down.
Do you know if PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS works with sent messages? If
one can't get some "link" value to use in comparing sent to received
messages, the ability to tie the two messages together would not be
there...near as I can make out.