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Old December 5th 09, 02:33 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.installation
Gis Bun
external usenet poster
Posts: 16
Default Can't import Outlook Express into Outlook 2007

Here's the situation. user going from Outlook Express in XP [32-bit] SP3 to
Outlook 2007 SP2 in Windows 7 64-bit.

The old Outlook Express files [.dbx, etc.] are in a folder. When I try to
import the messages into Outlook 2007, I specify import mail, choosing OE/WLM
but it detects the never used WLM account [I thought it didn't come with win7
but it did pick up the dummy "Welcome to WLM" message]. It at no time asks to
choose a folder or anything.

Data was taken from a backup. Original computer was stolen.

I know of a long way but is there anything faster?