There are many reasons not to make a second Contacts Folder. The most
common one is that it will NOT synch to a mobile phone or PDA. Try using
Categories instead.
Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Are you sick of bad email practice? Get a copy of my paper "Implementing
Email Policy" from the Desk Doctors website.
"Oliver Vukovics" wrote in message
Hi Pamela,
do you need a second contact folder?
Click on "Personal Folder", right mouseclick "New" select the type for the
folder: "Contact" and give this new folder a name.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange (Win7, Office 2010 Ready): Public
Synchronize Outlook between PC and Notebook: Public SyncTool
"Pamela" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I would like to add an addtional contact list to have 2 lists, one for
internal, one for external.
Thank you.