Outlook Express 6 error code 0x800CCCD2 help
I just set up OE 6 for use with my aol email address. I followed the
instructions on the MS page. Seems to work fine except for 1 minor
When I send mail, it sends ok, but then I get this message:
Some of the messages in your Outbox Folder could not be copied to your
Sent Items Folder. Your message could not be uploaded to the IMAP
server. The server refused to accept it. Subject '', Account:
'imap.aol.com', Server: 'imap.aol.com', Protocol: IMAP, Server
Response: 'Mailbox Sent Items cannot be appended to', Port: 143,
Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCCD2.
Although this error message states the mail was not sent to the "sent
mail" folder, it in fact was. Getting the constant error message is a
The MS page states this as the problem:
0x800CCCD2 IMAP_TAGGED_NO_RESPONSE Message tagged.
They don't tell you how to remedy the problem though.
If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be appreciated.