Email receipt updating associated contact details automatically?
I'm using Outlook 2003.
I have a couple of hundred contacts who I want to email at once and ask
them if their details are up-to-date website business directory.
(1) If I get a reply back fromt his emailing, I somehow want to
indicate in their Outlook contact record that they replied. Can this be
automated somehow (the reply causing a change somewhere in their
contact details), or everytime I get a reply do I have to go in to
their contact record manually and make some sort of data entry? (i.e.
change a YES/NO field.)
(2) After six months, I wish to send a follow up email to those
contacts who DID NOT reply at all to my earlier mailing. How would I do
this - can I selectively create a mailing list based on the value of
any contact field?
Thanks in advance for any replies.