Word 2007
Provide the following information:
1. Current Word and Outlook versions
2. How you migrated your Outlook data from your old installation
3. How you configure the Outlook Address Book Service in your current
Outlook profile.
Russ Valentine
"dfv" wrote in message
If I want to address an envelope from my Address list, I go to "mailings",
Envelope, click on address book. at this point it asks me for "profile"
the only one listed is "outlook". I say ok and the address book comes up
so i
click on the address I want and hit enter. at this time word shuts down
the error comes up that it is diagnosing the problem. Soon it restarts my
Word and I start all over again only to repeat the previous scenario. what
happening and how can it be corrected. these lists all came from my
computer(,windows 2000 Professional, Word 2000) under "contacts" and the
thing I can do is re-enter manually the address . this is very time
consumming! My new computer has Windows 7