Undo..how about redo?
One of OE's many downfalls, and since Windows Mail is the future program in
Vista, don't expect any major changes to OE. Do what I did. View | Layout |
Customize Toolbar and Remove that button.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Catt" wrote in message
Hi, I've got Outlook express 6.0 There is an "undo" icon in the tool bar
that I can go backwards with and undo an error. But there is no redo. So
I hit the undo button I can lose a whole document that I just worked on.
Which is just what happened to me a few moments ago. Why isn't there a
in the top bar??????????????? That is really lame and of course there is
in the 'help' file. Is my Outlook Express faulty?