outlook 2003 on portable notebook.
tom wrote:
Hi, It appears that my internet provider will block pop sending on
25. I think my gmail is working because it uses port 465(sending) and
is authenticated. If i configure my outlook to use my Gmail (outgoing
smtp) the email will get sent but the senders address gets changed to
that of my gmail account. I also tried setting up Outlook so this
email account(frontiernet.net) would use HTTP but that gives me an
internal error message. I am being told by my internet
provider(frontiernet.net) that this blocking is necessary to prevent
the spread of computer viruses and spam?? Im not saying that OL is
causing the problem, I'm trying to find a workaround for this
problem. I'm sure there are many people that now travel with laptops
that use OL and that their home internet providers now block port 25
pop3. My zzn.com email also fails. I'm hoping to find a solution
other than changing all my email to my Gmail account.
First, POP protocols use port 110. Port 25 is strictly SMTP.
If they block post 25, then then should be providing an alternate port, just
like gmail.
You should be able to use your gmail SMTP server to send your Frontiernet
messages. Just change the Frontiernet account to point to the gmail SMTP
server (leaving the POP server alone) and supply your gmail credentials on
the Outgoing Server tab of your account properties.
Brian Tillman