Box 1: Check: Where the from line contains people
Box 2: Check: Delete it from server
Box 3: Click on Contains People and enter - Click:
Add and you're done.
Name the rule and move it to it's proper location.
Note. In general, all message rules that divert mail to a specific folder
should be at the top of your rules list, followed by Delete it from server
rules, and then all other rules.
Some Message Rule Ideas:
Some tips:
Message Rules not working?:
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"AK" wrote in message
Thanks Bruce. Could you walk me through what to do once I am at "New News
Rule" to tell OutlookExpress to block everything from
"" ?
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
You can't using an ISP number, but if it is always from
you can make a From rule for that.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"AK" wrote in message
I keep getting the crazy spams form ""
[]. Each time they make up a different name for the supposed
sender. How can I block everything form this domain?