I am constantly amazed by the simple assumption that users make that
programming in an on/off switch is a matter of a simple line of code. If it
were that simple, Microsoft would have done it years ago.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, bizwizkid asked:
| "The reminder window generally doesn't pop up over the top of the
| window with focus. If it were to do that, it would interrupt whatever
| you were doing at the time. "
| I'm forever puzzled by the 'logic' of this statement - not by you
| personally but, by the belief by MS that one doesn't want to have the
| option to be 'interrupted'. The whole reason I use the calendar and
| reminder system is to remind me (not interrupt me). When I'm in the
| middle of a crazy day the last thing I want to rely on is yet another
| blinking annoyance in the taskbar.
| Why don't we have the ability to leave the reminder pop-up to stay
| 'on-top' like many, many other programs allow (i.e. see WinAmp,
| gaming software etc.).
| I can't think of a longer standing short-sighted decision by MS. They
| usually seem to come around, several years late at times, but
| eventually they see the light. Apparantly, they're happy with their
| own internal surveys and don't see the value. I tried explaining that
| to the seminar leader who's session I was late to today because I was
| working on my computer, with a calendar alert to notify me and yet
| again i was not reminded - I was late again --- grrrr.
| Thanks.
| "Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| "Al" wrote in message
|| ...
||| I am unable to get pop up reminders on top of the window I am
||| working with. Using Windows 7 with Office Outlook 2007. Can someone
||| please help? thanks
|| The reminder window generally doesn't pop up over the top of the
|| window with focus. If it were to do that, it would interrupt
|| whatever you were doing at the time. That's why the taskbar handle
|| flashes - to attract your attention to the fact there's a reminder.
|| Try not to occlude so much of the desktop that the reminder window
|| can't be seen. --
|| Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
|| .