He is suck a jerk
You'll need to visit Apple's iPhone forum for Mail, Calendar and Contact
issues at http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1144 - outlook
only supplies the data, it has nothing to do with where the items are placed
on the iphone.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
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How many email accounts are in your main Outlook profile?
"JEFF GUILFORD" wrote in message ...
Did you ever get this solved? The same thing is happening on my iphone.
If I do the search function, the page to the left of the home screen, i
can find contacts I've added and ones I'm looking for, but they dont show
up under contacts. There're abviously on the phone somewhere, but I dont
know where. O and if I add a contact via the contact icon, push the little
green plus sign, and add it manually it will show up under the contacts,
but if i try and save something from resent calls or maps and say add to
contacts, new contact, it doesn't. Also if I add a contact to outlook and
synk, it wont show up either. Thanks and hopefully this is pretty clear.
Jak wrote:
Thank you for giving up.
Thank you for giving up. Maybe I can get someone to help that actually
read and understand english and knows a little bit about Outlook 2007.
obviously don't qualify on either account.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Previous Posts In This Thread:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 10:39 AM
Jak wrote:
Missing contacts
I'm using Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager on a Windows XP Home
Edition machine. I started to look up a contact in my personal contacts
I know for a fact had been listed there and realized the contact was no
longer in the list. I scrolled through my list of contacts and saw that
other contacts are also missing. I did a search for the missing contact in
the search box and it didn't find the missing contact. Then I chose the
option to search "all contact items" and it still didn't find my missing
contact with the view set to phone list. For some reason I clicked the
business card view radial button the missing contact appears in that view.
Any idea what's going on here? I'm fairly new to Outlook 2007 so I may
clicked something I shouldn't have but what it is I don't know and I don't
know how to undo whatever I may have done. Thanks for any help!
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 10:57 AM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
No way to know. Outlook does not do this all by itself.
No way to know. Outlook does not do this all by itself. You would need to
provide the steps you used to create the problem. You should also post in
BCM group. Using BCM changes everything.
Do you backup your data?
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 11:36 AM
Jak wrote:
I just gave you all the steps I took when I found I had the problem.
I just gave you all the steps I took when I found I had the problem. I
didn't take ANY steps that I know of to CREATE the problem. Some of the
contacts just aren't showing up. I don't think Business Contact Manager
anything to do with it. I installed BCM a couple of months ago and didn't
like it so stopped using it. I did search for my missing contacts in BCM
just in case they somehow ended up there but they weren't showing up there
either. I do back up outlook frequently and it backs up automatically
when I
exit outlook. I also sync a Pocket PC with outlook and the Pocket PC has
missing contacts on it's contact list.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:41 PM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
No. You gave no steps at all. Now you have.
No. You gave no steps at all. Now you have. Syncing incorrectly is the
number one cause for Contacts that go "missing for no reason."
Anyone who uses syncing backs up their data frequently because syncing
changes are permanent. I trust you do.
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:49 PM
Jak wrote:
In further playing around with this it seems the missing contacts are only
In further playing around with this it seems the missing contacts are only
missing in the "phone list" view. When clicking on the other radial
the missing contacts are listed. Any idea why some are missing in phone
view and how do I get all of them to show up?
"Jake" wrote:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:56 PM
Jak wrote:
I have been syncing Pocket PC's for years and have never had this happen
I have been syncing Pocket PC's for years and have never had this happen
before. So what do I do to not sync "incorrectly" since it's pretty much
automated process once the PPC is inserted in the cradle?
See the other post I was posting when your message arrived. The contacts
only missing in the 'phone list' view. They are there in all the other
views. Now how do I get all them visible in the phone list?
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 3:02 PM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
Syncing questions are not Outlook questions.
Syncing questions are not Outlook questions. Outlook does not participate
that process at all.
Your description is still too vague to permit help from a distance. Try to
characterize and describe what's "missing" as accurately as possible. It
sounds like there may be nothing missing at all and that your views may be
corrupted or damaged.
But do start backing up your data completely and often.
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 3:18 PM
Jak wrote:
I don't know how I can be any more specific!
I don't know how I can be any more specific! I specifically said I BACK
FREQUENTLY and I secifically said Outlook AUTOMATICALLY BACKS UP when it
exits. I specifically said SOME contacts are missing from my phone book
but not the other views. How much more specific can I be than that. They
not visible in phone book view! I am not now doing anything to make them
disappear! I didn't do anything in the past to make them disappear that I
know of. There is nothing I can tell you that is more specific than that.
don't understand your focus on backing up and on syncing. Neither of the
functions of backing up or syncing that I know of contributed to the
contacts and if they did can you be more specific on what I need to do to
bring them back to the phone book view.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 3:34 PM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
You can define for us what you mean by "phone book view.
You can define for us what you mean by "phone book view." There is no such
term in Outlook. You can define which Contacts are missing. This is a
different description from your first post. There you said you were having
problems with Outlook lookup also without defining what you meant by that.
You'll need to provide a clear and consistent description of the problem
are having for anyone to help in a newsgroup.
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 5:45 PM
Jak wrote:
Ok lets try this again..... Outlook 2007 has a left panel.
Ok lets try this again..... Outlook 2007 has a left panel. Clicking
in the lower portion of that panel opens a Contacts page. The left panel
contains a section titled Current View. Under Current View are a number of
view options (business cards, address cards, etc) with radial buttons.
the Phone List (sorry, my bad it's Phone List not Phone Book.) button is
pressed the center panel shows all the contacts you have in your contact
list. Only problem is mine doesn't show ALL my contacts. Some are not
on that list. You use Outlook right? Contacts are those people and
companies you enter so you have a record of them in Outlook! You view them
Business Cards, Address Cards or in a phone list. Got that?
My first post did NOT say I was having problems with Outlook lookup. I
some of my contacts were not showing up in the phone list and therefore I
performed a search to see if they had been somehow deleted. A "search" is
operation where you enter a search term in the search box located toward
top right hand section of the page titled "search contacts" in the
expectation of it locating the contact you are seeking. After entering the
name of the contact in the "search contacts" box my missing contact was
found. I then clicked the "search all contacts" option that had appeared
the main search window. That search resulted in finding my missing contact
but it was being displayed as a Business Card. Out of curiosity I clicked
the Business Card radial and the full list of contacts was displayed.
Subsiquently I realized all the view options showed my missing contacts
EXCEPT for the phone list option where a number of them are not displayed.
I never said I was having problems with lookups, syncing or backing
you were the one that kept interjecting those issues.
Now do you or anyone else have a suggestion of how to get the "phone list"
view to show ALL my contacts?
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 7:53 PM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
Search and lookup are the same thing. I'm just going to give up on this.
Search and lookup are the same thing. I'm just going to give up on this. I
can't make any sense of your posts. They are too inconsistent and
incomplete. I would try the standard things we post here every day. Reset
your view. Repair your data file. Create a new profile. In that order.
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 8:16 PM
Jak wrote:
Thank you for giving up.
Thank you for giving up. Maybe I can get someone to help that actually
read and understand english and knows a little bit about Outlook 2007.
obviously don't qualify on either account.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
On Saturday, November 01, 2008 9:56 PM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
Your assertions are correct.I've never used Outlook.
Your assertions are correct.
I've never used Outlook.
I don't know what Contacts are.
You need to understand how to use newsgroups. Read this before posting
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Sunday, November 02, 2008 5:52 PM
Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
Missing contacts
Try resetting your vews, like Russ said. If that does not work, try
repairing your PST. After that, try a new profile.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
On Monday, November 03, 2008 7:16 PM
Jak wrote:
I hope so.
I hope so. That guy is a freeking idiot and is not qualified to be
any questions. I finally kept digging around in outlook and found the
reset and that fixed my problem. It would have been a lot easier if he had
mentioned trying that in the first place instead of wanting to know if I
backed up frequently and saying he couldn't help with sync problems....
neither of which were problems. I'm 62 years old and have had a computer
since the good ol days of Radio Shack TRS80 and Tandy 2000's. I'm not a
complete nimrod when it comes to computers!
"Mort" wrote:
On Monday, November 03, 2008 9:59 PM
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
I told you to do that in one of the first replies.
I told you to do that in one of the first replies. The total lack of other
responses to this thread will tell you where the problem lies. When you do
not post clear or complete information you waste our time. You needed a
reader. No one else even took the bait.
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
On Thursday, January 08, 2009 10:41 AM
Sunchylde Moon wrote:
Missing Contacts
Today, I had the same problem Jak described. I read through the
conversation and I thank Jak for having persisted in finding a solution.
No thanks to Russ Valentine, whose responses were appalling. Derisive,
defensive... dumb.
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