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Old February 17th 10, 09:49 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.fax
Russ Valentine
external usenet poster
Posts: 907
Default Fax Mail Transport in Outlook 2007 doesn't work w/ Remote Desk

What file type is this and how are you sending it?

Russ Valentine

"Jeremy B" wrote in message
It works fine via the Faxing Wizard.. Funny thing is the people in the
Desktop Services forum said its an issue w/ Outlook post here..

"Russ Valentine" wrote:

To find the information you need to post, try sending this document from
Fax Console and note the error messages.

Russ Valentine

"Jeremy B" wrote in message
After installing The Remote Desktop Hosting Service role on Windows
the Outlook 20007 Fax Mail Transport no longer works. I get an error
saying "The Microsoft Fax transport failed to deliver the message to
recipient. The message does not contain any content" whenever I try to
something with an attachment.

I can use the Windows Fax & Scanner Wizard and Fax Printer to send
faxing through Outlook no longer works.. If I uninstall the RDHS role
Outlook can fax again..

Fax Mail Transport normally converts the attachment to a .tiff file by
running a command in the printto key associated w/ the file extension
then directs it to the fax printer however with RDHS installed the
application is never launched.. No data is sent to the fax printer, I
thats why I get "The message does not contain any content"

To Replicate:
Install RDHS on Windows 2008 R2
Create email addressed to a Fax Contact
Attach a document (.txt file for example)
No Subject, No Body.. Hit Send.

Thoughts? Could this be permissions or restrictions related? I'm logged
as the Administrator and tried "Run as Administrator" Same deal..
