hELP!!!! urgent..
"Omar Sobh" wrote in message
how do write an email..but have it sent at a specific time? for example, it
is 3 PM and i write an email, however, i need it to get sent at 7 PM....I
Trying to set up an alibi? eg
You can do a sort of delayed send in OE
but you would have to accept that the message
waould be timestamped at an earlier time.
Notice that the maximum number of minutes that you can specify
in Check for new messages every... is 480 minutes (or 8 hours).
Therefore to ensure a 4 hour delay in sending a message you could
change that setting to 240 (e.g. press Alt-T,O,Alt-C,Tab,240,Enter)
and then use the File, Send Later option from a composition window.
Robert Aldwinckle