convert tiff to pdf
You need to "Print" the tiff file to a file if you know what I
mean. For example, if you download a free program called Bullzip,
it will crate a pdf printer and so you can print almost any document
to a pdf file. Almost all pdf creators work it this way except
Microsoft's pdf SAVE AS but it only works in Office 2007 and above.
MikeIMSCorp wrote:
have an associate who uses Office 2003, is scanning docs from a copier and
sending them via his email address. no trouble receiving the docs, but they
are opening with Window picture and Fax viewer. I tried saving the image as
a .pdf to the desktop, which it did--but when he tries to OPEN the pdf on the
desktop, it says something happened or is missing from the file when it was
saved from Outlook. i scanned the image and sent it to my computer, the
forwarded the pdf to him, and it opened fine. I am not having the same
issues he is, is this unique to Office 2003, (I use 2007) or is there a
setting that needs to be adjusted?