In offline mode, need send/receive twice
I have a customer and he has a strange issue in outlook.
He uses XP, Outlook2002 and exchange server.
When he use "connect" mode, everything is OK.
When he use "work offline" mode, he has a problem.
After he create a new mail, click "send" button, this mail goto
outbox.(It is normal process)
Then he click "send/receive" button or F9, but this mail still in his
outbox, no send out.
He need to double click this mail to open again, click "send" button
Then click "send/receive" button again, this time this mail can send
So now he need do "send","send/receive" twice if he want to send out a
mail in offline mode.
But for us, we just need once.
Also, I find for us after we click send and this mail goto outbox,
the font of the mail will change to italic.
But his is still normal, only after re-open and re-send, it change to
italic like ours.
I have checked his send/receive group setting, same as me.
I have recreated a outlook profile, no help.
Is there anyone meet the similar problem?
Would you like to give me some suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
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In my test for this problem, I found another thing.
First, in offline mode, I write mail and click "send", this mail goto
Its font is italic.
Second, I open it to change something, such as title, but no save it
when close this mail.
Now the font will change to normal.
Then, I close outlook without send out.
At last, I open outlook again in connect mode.
But now I cannot found that mail in my outbox.
(It haven't send out, because I can see it if I open outlook in offline
Now this mail in my offline outbox, but not online outbox.
It's strange, I am not sure whether there are some setting in outlook
about this.
If you are interested, you can have this test,too.
I have try in my colleague's laptop, same.