Catch events from pre-existing buttons in Outlook 2007
I must be doing something wrong.. I managed to repurpose certain buttons in
the contacts, but no luck with the call menu. The split button I'm refering
to is called "Call", has a telephone handset as icon, and is in the
Communicate section of the Contact. In the same section we have the E-Mail,
Meeting, ASsign Task, WebPage and Map fuctionality by default.
When clicked the button shows a list of all telephone numbers, including
their label, and clicking one will initiate a call using whatever TAPI TSP
has bee configured (or when you use Microsoft Office Communicator, the
communicator starts dialing).
Finding the idMso isn't easy for outlook as there 19 different files, and
their names don't necessary match what you expect. E.g. there's no
OutlookContactItemRibbonControls.xlsx (that's where I'd expect the contact
ribbon to be explained). However, I think I still found it -
outlookTaskItemRibbonControl.xlsx. It contains a group called
"GroupCommunicate", which includes the following idMso's:
NewMessageToContact, NewMeetingWithContact, DialMenu, Call,
NewTaskForContact, ContactWebPage and MapContactAddress - exactly the things
I listed before - we have every ribbon button in the communicate section.
Yet, when I define my ribbon XML as follows:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
customUI xmlns=""
command idMso="ForwardAsBusinessCard" onAction="ForwardOverride"/
command idMso="DialMenu" onAction="DialMenuOverride"/
command idMso="Call" onAction="CallOverride"/
The only event that is triggered is ForwardOverride - for the other two, the
default action is triggered and the methods DialMenuOverride and CallOverride
are never triggered.
Do you have any idea how to repurpose the items in the list that pops up
when pushing the call button?