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Old May 19th 10, 02:16 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,043
Default Highlight or shade weekend days

"JGreg7" wrote in message

I considered the all-day event idea, however I try to avoid "all-day" events
since they tend to turn into multi-day events when daylight savings time
occurs, or when I travel and the time zone is changed. (That is an issue I
have been fighting with Outlook for the last three has
improved, but never been really fixed).

I never had never had that problem because I applied the TZ patches when the
DST settings changed. All of my all-day events have worked exactly as they
should. Outlook 2010 should help a lot because you can pin all-day events to
a date in a time zone-independent fashion.

Since outlook has settings to designate work week, I would assume there
would be some way to show this on the calendar in the same manner as the
"work hours" are shown on the day view. (There should be a setting or
to shade weekend days, or shade workdays.)

Whether or not there "should" be a setting, there isn't one.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
