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Old May 20th 10, 11:06 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
external usenet poster
Posts: 39
Default How to sidestep "The contents of this appointment have beenupdated... " issue

On May 17, 8:25*am, "Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]"
"Jim5941" wrote in message


Is there a way to do this in Outlook 2007 i.e. to create a meeting
every tuesday from 1/1/2010 to 12/30/2010 *- 52 individual events at
one time? (Instead of creating a meeting "every Tuesday until
12/30/2010" )

I know I could create it in Excel and import it, but ... was wondering
if there was an easier way...

I'd create a second calendar file and *create the recurring meeting there as
normal. *I'd then export that calendar. *When exporting an open-ended event,
Outlook will ask you for the time range to be covered by the export (since
exporting an open-ended event would create an infinitely sized output file
otherwise). *Specify your one year date range. *Now inport this file to your
main calendar. *It will be your 52 individual event. *You can then delete the
extra calendar you created.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

Thanks Brian!
That's a workable solution even for a slacker like me ;-)