MS Outlook is automated to send out an email in HTML but when the email is
received from MS Outlook it is in plain text.
The email in Sent items is in HTML format.
If an email is created from MS Outlook itself(not programmetically) in HTML
and sent, when received it is in HTML format.
Following is the configuration of this computer
- Windows 2003 enterprise edition x64
- MS Outlook 2007 with excahnge server
- Logged on to the server using a Cirtix session
- Default email application of Windows is set to MS Outlook
In a Windows 2003 standard edition x64, with MS Outlook 2007 the mail is
sent and received in HTML without a problem.(without MS Excahnge Server and
Following is the code we use to generate and send the mail.
loOutLookSession = CREATEOBJECT('OutLook.Application')
loOutBox = loOutLookSession.GetNameSpace("MAPI").GetDefaultFo lder(4)
loMailItem = loOutBox.Items.Add(0)
loMailItem.Subject = "Subject"
loMailItem.BodyFormat = 2
loMailItem.Body = HTML text
loMailItem.HTMLBody = HTML text
loMailItem.To =
Please could someone advice, what could be the cause?