Save incoming Email as .html file with name of subject line
Hey Chris,
Good Idea!
"Chris" wrote:
You might want to add either ReceivedTime(Emails) or CreationTime(Reports)
Yoru code would look like:
myItem.SaveAs "c:\mail\" & myItem.Subject & "_" & myItem.ReceivedTime &
".xml", olXML
As I have discovered, you may need to scrub the subject and time of any
illegal characters such as "/", ":", or "*" etc.
"Matt" wrote:
Never mind...... I was able to do it. In case anyone else need to know how:
Sub saveemail(myItem As Outlook.MailItem)
myItem.SaveAs "c:\mail\" & myItem.Subject & ".xml", olXML
End Sub
Thanks All!
"Matt" wrote:
Hello all!
I am using the below code to save all incoming emails as an XML file. The
problem is that a new incoming email overwrites the previous one. What I'd
like to do is name the XML file as the subject line of the incoming email.
Would someone please help me?
Sub saveemail(myItem As Outlook.MailItem)
myItem.SaveAs "c:\mail\test.XML", olXML
End Sub