Thread: Hey Bruce Hagen
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Old May 30th 10, 07:53 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,313
Default Hey Bruce Hagen

Bill wrote:

Thanks for the clarifications. We'll all have to wait for awhile to see
how things pan out on the non-MS NNTP servers. Hopefully,
Earthlink hasn't been peering from Microsoft's server.

You could probably ask them as to what are their intentions regarding
Microsoft's scrambling away from Usenet. Find out from them if they
will continue carrying the microsoft.public.* newsgroups and if they
currently peer from Microsoft's NNTP server. I wouldn't think that they
would hide their intentions.

One user of Giganews wanted to know, was suggested that he actually ask
Giganews, and reported back that Giganews stated they will continue
carrying the microsoft.* groups. I doubt Google gives a gnat's fart
about Microsoft leaving Usenet other than of having to change their
peering relationships (if they peered from Microsoft). My NSP says they
will continue carrying those newsgroups and will ignore any rmgroup
control messages from Julien Elie or any other rogue source attempting
to issue non-authorized control messages.

Just ask Earthlink to see what they say. I have never used any of
Earthlink's services to know how responsive is their tech support or
even if their reps are given prior knowledge of planned changes in
Earthlink's services.