Hi all,
Brand brand new to VBA coding. Fully fledgling newbee in the ranks! Hoping for a little help.
My final aim is to have a button and a drop-down box in a custom toolbar. The dropdown box will offer a number of local directories and the button will execute a save script which saves the email (with any attachments) in the directory currently selected in the drop-down box. This will ideally work with the email open in the preview pane as opposed to having to double click each message before saving it.
I'm sure this is a big job so I'l attack it one section at a time.
I've found one macro to select the message which is open in the preview pane: (
http://www.outlookcode.com/codedetail.aspx?id=50) and have also found a number of save-email scripts.
Would anybody be able to advise how to string these together.
Thanks a million.