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Old June 2nd 10, 02:48 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,043
Default Calendar problem

"jskamelia" wrote in message

I have two computers running Outlook 2003 on stand alone desktops (no
Exchange). On compter A, I made a backup copy of my Outlook .pst. I then
imported this .pst into Outlook 2003 on computer B. I wanted to replace the
out-of-date calendar data on B with the current data in calendar on A. It
seemed to work but my default calendar now is labeled Calendar (2). And the
calendar will no longer sync with my iPhone 3G via iTunes. Contacts and
Notes still syncs fine. How can I restore my default calendar so it will
sync again? Or do I need to reinstall Outlook to be able to sync?

I wouldn't expect importing to create a second calendar (although I suppose it
could; I don't ever import). What would produce a second calendar is to open
the PST with FileOpenOutlook Data Center and copying the Calendar folder.
Instead, if you have another PST, open it, then open the calendar in that PST,
select a table view like Events, select all the items in it with Ctrl+A, then
copy that selection to the default Calendar folder. Most sync tools sync only
with the default folders.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
