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Old June 2nd 10, 01:58 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Sue Mosher [MVP][_4_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 552
Default Programatically click the Send button.

I haven't seen that behavior, but I would use a different approach to
transferring the content.

Since this forum is officially discontinued, I suggest we continue the
conversation in the Outlook Developers forum at
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators

"Marketware" wrote:

I guess I spoke too soon. The emails looked great in the Drafts folder with
the body of the Word Document merged into the body of the email just fine.
But, when they returned (I sent them to myself) the body of the email was
empty. Have you ever seen this behavior before?


Marketware wrote:

You are right. But at first I was having a problem getting the contents of
the word document to go when I used mail.Send(). I added mail.Save(), and
everything works fine with one exception. It's putting the email in the
drafts folder, and doesn't leave the drafts until the automatic send/receive
occurs (every 5 Min. on my system).

Is this the best practice? Or should I try to force the Send/Receive? and
if So, can you direct me on forcing a Send/Receive?

Thanks again.


You already have the message as the mail object, so just call mail.Send
I have a program that pastes the contents of a word document into an email
message. (See Below)
[quoted text clipped - 33 lines]


