Unable to delete messages in my inbox
I was unable to delete messages in my inbox and deleted folder in OE6. Spent
an hour moving the files in inbox and deleted items that I wanted to save to
new folders called, "Saved Deleted messages" and "Saved Inbox Messages". All
20,000 + items seemed to move ok.
When I went to the Identites folder to delete inbox and deleted.dbx files
the two folders I created appeared there as well "Saved Deleted messages" and
"Saved Inbox Messages" . Just in case I copied the corrupted files "Inbox.dbx
and deleted.dbx" to a folder on my desktop, then delted them from the
Identities folder.
When I reopened outlook Express, I still coulden't delete particular emails
and only 1/4 of what I moved from Inbox and Deleted showed up into the saved
Inbox and saved Delted folders I created. Now I have a backup of the old
delted.dbx file that is 2GB in size but can't get OE to open it.
I have tried to import it back into a new identity in OE, error states that
the file is in use.
I have tried to import it into Microsoft Outlook, nothing appears in the
deleted items folder out inbox folder.
Any suggestions of how to get this file imported or opened?