cannot connect to Cox news server
Any free news servers?
Steve Cochran wrote:
Try setting up a new Identity and then add the cox server and see if
that works in the different identity.
wrote in message
Suddenly, since 2 days, I am unable to send or receive to Cox's news
I am a Cox hi speed Internet subscriber and have several subscribed
newsgroups on Without my having changed anything
on my side I am suddenly unable to contact any of them. Cox
"support" insists there are no reported problems on their news
servers. - Internet access works fine.
- Email to and back from my cox mailbox works fine.
- Other newsgroups (like this one) work fine.
The error message is
"Outlook Express could not post your message.
Account: ''. Server: ''. Protocol:
NNTP, server
'502 Maximum number of connections reached. (newsfe 12.iad) (Tomado
v1.2.6.556-2). Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No. Server error: 502, Error
Number 0x800CCCAO"
1) Any suggestions?
2) Any free news servers I can use in the meanwhile?