error 0x80040900 in outlook retrieving mail
error 0x80040900
Seen the replys in some forums and i am having the same problem. As i
have a third party email in my outlook Ntl broadband wont look at it.
This all started happening two days ago and is driving me nuts. Nothing
has changed or be installed on my PC.
The folling is the exact message i get when trying to send and receive
Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x80040900) : 'The
server name you entered can not be found on the network (it might be
down temporarily). Please verify that you are online and that the
server name is correct.'
The server is not down as i can access the website and emails via
webmail. I did have problems accessing webmail, though that was
resolved by changing my proxy settings in internet options /
connections / Lan settings / Advanced
With the Broadband help line i have virtually reset all my defaults in
Internet explorer. I currently use Norton Firewall and Norton Symantec
antivirus an have done so for two years.
Please help!