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Old July 18th 09, 12:38 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 183
Default How do I find an attachment?


In Outlook Express place the cursor on the Inbox in the Folder List and
select View, Current View and uncheck Group Messages by Conversation.
Next sort the date received column by clicking on the column header so
that the newest messages appear at the top of the Message List window.

Next select View, Columns and check the box Attachment. Then use the
Move Up option to move Attachment to the top and click on OK. In the
Message List window click on the Attachment column header once or twice
so that all the Attachments are listed at the top of the Window. They
should be in date order. You can then scroll down to those from 2 years
ago and hopefully identify the message and attachment you are looking


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Pete Zahut wrote:
I've got over 3000 mail messages in my OE Inbox, some of them with
attachments. I now need to find a particular message with a Microsoft
Powerpoint attachment, but it's from a couple of years ago and I can't
remember who sent it to me, what date it was, or the subject line -
nor can I remember what the Powerpoint file was called.

I will recognise it when I see it but is there any way I can search by
attachment, ie, do a search for *.pps in the inbox? I must stress, the
attachment has not been saved to my hard drive as such, but is still
an attachment to an email - in other words, I did not right-click on
the attachment and select either "Save" or "Save As". It is just a
mail message with a paperclip icon.

Going to Start Search Files and Folders and searching for *.pps
only turns up the 18 files I have in My Documents, not the hundred(s)
I have as mail attachments.


