Heather wrote:
[Joan's 66th birthday was Saturday!]
Oh boy.....she will be ticked at you, lol. When is yours? 66th or
whatever. I can add you to my Yahoo reminders too. Found the rest of the
crew, and you do belong in this incredibly elite group.......cough!!
For some reason, she included her birthdate when she registered at AumHa
Forums so it (and her age!) was listed in the Birthdays section at the
bottom of this page yesterday:
Like many Sagittarians and Capricorns, my BD's near enough to Christmas that
it always gets lost in the holiday hubbub. This really burned me up when I
was a kid: My sister's birthday was always celebrated by a big ol' picnic
celebration and she scored tons of prezzies. Then again, she was "born on
the Fourth of July!" w