- Close Outlook Express
- Locate the file Inbox.dbx (OE5+) in the mail directory and rename it
to Inbox2.dbx. You can use Start, Find (or Search), Files or Folders,
Inbox.dbx to find it. On Win2000 you need enable the display of Hidden
or System files in the folder options and XP you need to use the
advanced options to find Hidden or System files. Once you find the
file, Right click it and select Rename to be able to rename it.
- Open Outlook Express again.
- It will create a new empty Inbox.
You can use one of the following programs to try and recover any
messages from the Inbox2.dbx file
DBXtract -
DBXpress -
DBXtend -
Mike -
"Skip" skip@barrasnospaminvalid wrote in message
Hi Steve Cochran.
Tried File/Folder/Compact, no joy. Carried out second suggestion as
far as closingOE, but how do I delete the Inbox dbx file? I am a
And PopS thanks for your suggestion, no result there either.
"Steve Cochran" wrote in message
Try File | Folder | Compact while in the inbox. If that doesn't fix
it then move every message out of the inbox to another folder and
then close OE and delete the inbox.dbx file (hidden). OE will then
create a new empty one.
"Skip" skip@barrasnospaminvalid wrote in message
Hi Jim Pickering
Thanks for your advice. Settings under Current View had been set
to"Show all messages ", so apparently this was not the problem. Any
further suggestions please ?
Check your settings under View/Current View - Should be set to Show
Messages. If not, it's the most probable cause of the problem.
Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
Please deliver feedback to the newsgroup, so that others can be
"Skip" skip@barrasnospaminvalid wrote in message
Running Windows XP Pro SP2 ,IE6
Folders list OE indicates 2 unread messages i n Inbox, as does
folders list
Inbox. Accessing In box indicates" no items etc OE help provides
How can one correct this?
Skip BS