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Old November 12th 09, 01:09 AM posted to
PA Bear [MS MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,647
Default Lost 16 Octover to 11 November

cf. this recent & related thread in OE General newsgroup:

Roland Mösl wrote:
There are big backup problems with Outlock Express

I have written my own database system.
It creates year-month files.

So at a backup of files changed,
only a small part of all files have to
be copied.

But Outlock Express always marks at start all DBX Files as
changed, making OE Backup a time consuming hell.

I think at software design, there should be also thoughts
how to make easy backups.

From the rest of my system, I have daily backups
from the changed files.

Only OE is a huge problem case.
