Not seeing images in email
I said nothing about viruses, did I? No, I only cited the outdated & much
less secure versions of OE, IE and Windows that you're running. Get the
computer fully-patched & we'll talk about "not seeing images." In the
meantime, check your settings under OE Tools | Options | Read | Reading
jbclem3 wrote:
No, let's start with something of importance to ME, not to YOU. I'm
perfectly comfortable with my secure Win2000 SP4 computer, but I have a
problem with images that don't show anymore in OE6. If you can help me,'ve done so in the past. But as far as proselytizing about and
trying to scare me on the subject of viruses, screw off!
Well, let's start with something of considerably more importance: The
unsecure state of your computer...
jbclem3 wrote:
Images, especially for eBay notifications, are a crucial part of my
For the past three days they have not been part of my emails, they have
missing even though the text is being transmitted. I've had this
sporadically in the past, and usually assumed it was part of my lousy
(Charter Comm.) and its very up and down speeds. The missing images
usually would cure itself in an hour or so. This time the problem has
for three days, so I'd like to ask for some help in figuring it out. How
can the text but not the image(s) get transmitted in an email?