Missing posts???
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February 6th 10, 07:26 PM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Missing posts???
Sorry. I didn't scroll down far enough.
Why is it that all of these posts are getting through to you, yet when I
send new posts either just before or just after you are unable to see
I have no idea as yet. The address you were posting with was showing fine.
It is suggested that it end in .invalid and not in That is a
possible reason for missing posts.
Take a screen shot and then upload it he
After the upload completes, copy the last URL listed: Direct link for
layouts and paste it in the thread.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP [Mail]
Imperial Beach, CA
"moonraker" wrote in message
I did ask some other questions in my last post to you......and answered
some of your questions
Why is it that all of these posts are getting through to you, yet when I
send new posts either just before or just after you are unable to see
them? (I did change my ID to
(i.e. I changed
the "." dot in between to two invalid's to a underscore"_"......I have
just noticed that when the ID is in the post, there is a blue line
underneath the address, I believe PA could not see the "." dot and
therefore thought there was a space gap, if you look at it now you
cannot see the underscore "_".)
From the previous post:-
Regarding your news server. What is listed as your news server in the
OE folder tree after your local folders? Or, Tools | Accounts | News?
Can I send screenshots to show you?????????????
If you're not using to post here, you should.
You will probably see better results.
I believe (I'm sure) I am!!!!!
Many thanks..................Steve
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Posts do end up on different servers. I can see your two test posts,
but none about compacting.
Are you using the MSNews server? Or another?
Setting up Outlook Express to access Microsoft newsgroups:
Take Robear's advice re your address. I would suggest changing it to
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP [Mail]
Imperial Beach, CA
"moonraker" wrote in message
Hi Bruce,
Can I ask? If I am sending new posts and can see them - but you
cannot - "where" are the ones I can residing?
Do posts in fact get listed on many different servers etc, around the
Can you see my latest post above send a little earlier:-
"Compacting or rather not quite"........06 February 2010 16:52 (As I
can see it)
Regarding your news server. What is listed as your news server in the
OE folder tree after your local folders? Or, Tools | Accounts | News?
Can I send screenshots to show you?
If you're not using to post here, you should.
You will probably see better results.
I believe (I'm sure) I am!!!!!
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
I can see this thread, and I /believe/ all your posts from today. If
you are asking if I can see these:
One dated...01 February 2010 23:50
The other....03 February 2010 13:13
No. AFAIK, they never got here.
Regarding your news server. What is listed as your news server in the
OE folder tree after your local folders? Or, Tools | Accounts | News?
If you're not using to post here, you should.
You will probably see better results.
Setting up Outlook Express to access Microsoft newsgroups:
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP [Mail]
Imperial Beach, CA
"moonraker" wrote in message
Hi Bruce,
Can you see this thread?
Can you now see my other thread that PA cannot see?
Many thanks
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
I don't recall seeing any posts here in quite some time with
"Compacting" in the subject field. Sure you didn't see them
somewhere else?
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP [Mail]
Imperial Beach, CA
"moonraker" wrote in message
Hi team,
I have post to questions recently entitled "Compacting........or
rather not quite...."
One dated...01 February 2010 23:50
The other....03 February 2010 13:13
To this newsgroup:- xpress
Has anyone found them or know of their whereabouts, as I am
beginning to get quite concerned?
Have they been kidnapped or taken to another newsgroup?
Sleepless in Seattle
Bruce Hagen
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