Thread: NNTP Timeout
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Old March 3rd 10, 08:58 PM posted to
PA Bear [MS MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,647
Default NNTP Timeout

il barbi wrote:
sigh... I emptied the folders of sent & received messages, compressed
other folders, transferred all folders and re-suscribed a number of NGs
under two newsservers ( and with the
identity but I get the same problem...

Are you seeing the behavior in both newsservers or just

both - anyway it is better to wait some days and see, for instance this
evening I don't get the problem

Do you connect via dial-up, ADSL, or via a wireless interned (USB) modem?

Does the behavior persist after 21:00 local time or later or before 06:00
local time? Is it worse on weekends?
