VBA - Identify Meetings Saved but Not Sent
How do you identify meetings that have been saved but not sent in Outlook via VBA?
I see Appointment Item properties to tell me if the item has been changed since being saved, but I don't see one telling me if it has been sent yet. Outlook itself knows - it displays a message at the top of the unsent meeting saying "Invitations have not been sent for this meeting." Obviously I am missing something easy, but I (at least think I) have looked down all the properties and don't see it.
For a MeetingItem, it looks like there is a .Sent (boolean) property, but MSN documentation says that the MeetingItem isn't generated until the AppointmentItem is sent, and it is in the recipient's mailbox. That seems redundant to me. If a meetingitem is not generated until it is sent, then the .sent property should always be true! (?) I want the same information for the AppointmentItem (having a MeetingStatus property of olMeeting).
I know how to retrieve appointments/meetings in general, but need to be able to tell if they have been sent yet. Thx!