How do I access fsmail addresses?
Thanks again. Ho do I create the 2nd folder & divert?
Much appreciated
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
IE or OE? If OE: Tools | Accounts | New. Enter the info provided by your
ISP for the second account. Both will be accessible in the same instance
of OE. If you wish, you can create a new local folder as a second Inbox
and use message rules to divert mail addressed to the new account to the
new folder.
When you want to create mail, you will see a down arrow to the right of
the From Account line to chose which to send from.
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express
"Nigel Ayers" nigel@anonymous wrote in message
I am trying to change my long winded em address. I am creating fsmail
addresses in addition to the main em address which I am told I cannot
change without creating a whole new account altogether.
I will thus have 2 em addresses. How do I access both of these through