Thread: automatic bcc
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Old April 19th 06, 05:15 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 31
Default automatic bcc

Miyahn, 4/18/2006,6:12:44 PM, wrote:

"badgolferman" wrote in message

Yes, but a little tricky way.
See this post.

outgoing email with bcc copy automatically

Please send me the Google Groups link to this article or a different
format. I cannot get the above link to work.

You can search on Google Groups by subject or message id.
" outgoing email with bcc copy automatically" or

But the last line of HTA should be,

I would be happy if some one verify my HTA's functionality on English

I have finally found your message. It appears the bulk of it is a .vbs
script. There are also some instructions before the script. Tell me
if I am reading your instructions correctly.

1. Create new account for test purpose.
2. Copy that gobbledy-gook into a text file and save as filename.vbs
3. Run script and follow prompts.

I am willing to be your test subject for the English version of XP/OE
but I want to make sure I get the instructions correctly. P.S. What is
a HTA?

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