Outlook calendar email
You can copy it to another PST file:
- on your one computer create a new PST file using the File menu New
Outlook Data File command
- drag/drop your Calendar folder or create a folder then drag/drop
individual appointments to it
- right click on the root of the new set of folder and choose Close
- exit Outlook
- restart Outlook and mail that PST file to someone
- once they've got the PST file you created, make sure it's not marked Read
Only in its file properties (right click on it in My Computer and choose
Properties to check)
- Start Outlook
- Open the PST file using the File menu Open Outlook Data File command
- Drag/Drop the Calendar records into the normal Calendar folder
- Close the PST
"HKA" wrote in message
How do I send a copy of my Outlook calendar by email?