Is Outlook For Me? (Long)
I'm not sure if Outlook is the right program for me, so I'd like to tell the
group what I want to do and what I am using now.
I am a photographer and I want a reliable program for handling emails from
people responding to my Web Site. I like some sort of Spam filtering;
although, I am in a difficult place as most of the people responding are
strangers, so I cannot prefilter for known contacts. When someone responds
I want to have them placed in an Address Book which can easily be expanded
to include significant information; as they provide it in future
communications. I'd like to be able to keep notes on them, from tidbits
about their photographic needs, to notes on conversations, to actual notes
regarding bookings. Keeping information on what they pay me, when we shoot
and where, what they order, and what they owe.
I do not need an accounting program, in that the accounts are fairly simple.
I do not need to make invoices or keep accounts payables and receivables.
I need a calandar in which I can keep extensive information on a given
shoot, such as who, what, when and where it is being done. I need to put
down contacts for the person I am going to shoot. I go to locations for
shooting assignments. I need to print out the notes to take with me to the
I use Outlook Express which came with my month old computer, for the emails
from the Web Site.
I have a 3 year old program called AnyTime Deluxe. It has a useful
calendar, which allows me to keep extensive notes; although, it does not
print out all of the notes. It has an address book which has room for
different pieces of information and notes, but I can't print it all out. I
have a notes section, but it is not too flexible. A To Do section is
I have Microsoft Office 2003 Trial Edition, which came with my new computer,
but I have not yet activated it. I use and will continue to use
WordPerfect, so I figured I have no use for the Office 2003, but it does
have Outlook.
Will Outlook, alone, give me all that I need with contacts, email and
calendaring? What about the add on for small businesses? Is there one that
is primarily for contact management?
If I try the Office 2003 tryout, can I just keep the Outlook? How much is
it to just keep Outlook? Would I need anything else to accomplish what I
Thanks in advance for your help.