log on password window
Not an Outlook problem - suggest you repost to a Windows XP group for
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
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After furious head scratching, Hash asked:
| Hello
| I use xp sp2 home and outlook 2003 sp2.
| After I start the pc I get a log on window which asks for a password.
| I have not set up a passsword and my name id is just 'Owner'. In user
| accounts (control panel) I have also not put ticks (check marks)
| where it says 'use the welcome screen' and 'use fast user switching'
| under select logon and logoff points. This appears after clicking
| 'change the way users log on or off'.
| On screen saver tab under display properties there is no tick either
| where it says 'on resume, password protect'. So how can I start the
| pc straight into windows desktop without getting this log on window
| asking for a password ? Thank you.
| Regards
| Hash