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Old April 25th 06, 06:36 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default How do I stop 'Would u like to Compact' messages

OK guys thanks, I've taken all that on board. I'll just let Compacting do
it's job then. However I don't believe I am storing my archived messages
sensibly. Some time back I created an Archive folder in OE with 2 subfolders
(all residing in OE under Local Folders) -- an InboxArchive (contains 14309
messages) and a SentItemsArchive (7069 messages). I do not need to search
them very often, so maybe I should keep these archives somewhere else? How
do I move them? Also my current Inbox contains 7911 messages, so it's about
time to create a further archive folder.

Also how can we see how big these folders are in MB? -- the size doesn't
show under right click/Properties.

