Outlook 2000 - XP PROF OS - Multiple users
Kevinch wrote:
That is the path - but the file also exists at all 3 C:\Documents and
Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
locations too.
Then they are different files, despite their names.
Is there anyway I can default the program to look at those locations
for each user?
By default, Outlook should create new PSTs in the
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook folder.
Each person should use the Mail applet in Control Panel to make sure their
Outlook points to the correct PST. The one you named (not in this post, but
in your prior one) sounds like you upgraded from Windows 98
With Outlook closed in everyone's account, rename the Outlook.pst currently
in your Windows user profile and the rename the one in the C:\Windows\...
folder back to your Windows user profile. It doesn't have to be in the
....\Application\Microsoft\Outlook folder, but it should be in your own user
profile. Start Outlook and when it complains that it can't find the
folders, browse to where you moved them, select them and click OK. Your
Outlook should be back to normal.
Now, go to each person's login and create a mail profile for them that
points to a PST in their own Windows user profile path.
Off-topic, but as one father to another - monitor your daughter's
mail.regularly, depending on her age, of course. A minor child should not
have his or her own mailbox that you can't access.
Brian Tillman