set font in registry?
How is this an Outlook calendaring question?
well, i had to set my preference font 504 different times to the _same_
they could _greatly_ reduce that number if they allowed system-wide
default for for instance: 'rules for this view', and 'colunm headings and
i suspect that somewhere in the registry the fonts for these common view
elements must be stored for sure ..
and if there _were_ a registry trick to this, it would most certainly
work in other situations with other apps as well ..
here's how i got that number 504:
other replies still welcome!
stefaan dot meeuws at gmail dot com
detail: calculation
well, i created many different views ..
calendar : 13
mail : 7
contacts : 8
tasks : 33
notes : 11
... and for every one of these views i had to run the 'customize view'
panel, and click 2 buttons ..
other settings, for
- colunm font
- row font
- autopreview font
automatic filtering, for
- however many rules that applied for the view in focus (say
average: 4)
total number of fonts to set per view: 7
... to set - time and time again the same fonts (72 * 7 = 504 times [!] )