I need a programming hint for changing many Birthdays in batch
I am not a programmer at all but have *a lot* in Outlook (12 years
worth) and learned to write primitive macros to do chores on a number
of selected entries. Copied from bits and pieces on the WEB, without
really understanding what I am doing. But it works for my purposes.
My current problem: got a Blackberry (BB) for Email. It is known that
BB does not synch calendar entries before 1970. I have about 100
Birthdays (recurring yearly) that *start* before 1970. These do not
show up on the BB.
I thought I just select these entries and change their Start date to,
say, 1/1/2000 and then the'll show up. Well, it does not work with my
primitive methods. Can somebody give me a hint why. The following code
is one I use many time to batch change entries.
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objSelection as Outlook.Selection
Dim Item As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim myDate As Date
Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objSelection = obj.OLActiveExplorer.Selection
For Each Item In objSelection
Item.Class 0 Then '
probably not really needed
MsgBox (Item.Start)
myDate = DateValue("1. Januar 2006") ' German Date
format, is OK
MsgBox (myDate)
Item.Start = myDate
MsgBox (Item.Start)
End If
The problem: The first MsgBox show that the value is as in the
Appointment entry (OK). The second date value (what I want) is also OK.
Third box: shows that assignment does not happen (it really doesn't),
even though I saved the value. Whatever I do, the new date does not get
assigned to the entry.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any hint.