Had more time to look at this lot now.
Although I made Yahoo the default mail application when I clicked on a
'contact us' link it did not throw up a Yahoo mail compose window. In fact it
was the same as before. (I did check in OE that Yahoo was shown as the
default mail application.)
I mentioned that 'send immediately' was already ticked in OE options. It
doesn't seem that there is much that I can do about that.
The only difference that I can see is that my selected newsgroups have all
been wiped out!!!
"Michael Santovec" wrote:
If you'd rather have the Contact Us links use Yahoo directly rather than
Outlook Express, then see:
How can I make Yahoo! Mail my default email application?
If you want OE to send without having to do the manual send and receive,
then set Tools, Options, Send, Send Immediately.
Being the default mail program determines which program is used to send
a new message when another program (such as IE on a contacts us link)
wants to send an e-mail. It has no affect on receiving messages.
That's determined by running any mail program and having it receive mail
regardless of whether or not it is the default.
As to the problem of OE saving sent messages, if you have more than one
identity, it might not be using the one you think. Look at File,
Identities, Manage Identities.
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
"David42" wrote in message
I use Yahoo for most of my e-mail activities. The exception is when
on the net I find that I want to contact a company.I click on the
us' link and a small windown opens with the company's e-mail address
filled in which I can use to compose my message. Finish the message
and click
on 'send'.
I can see by the 'data' light on my cable modem that nothing has
and, by experimenting I have discovered that I need to open 'Outlook
and click on 'Send and Receive All' before the message that I have
created is
Secondly, I am not able to save a copy of sent items in the 'sent'
even though I have requested that in the options. On the Microsoft
Base it seems to indicate that I should make O.E. the default mail
I am a bit wary of this as I am not sure how it would affect my Yahoo
Any ideas folks?? I will be most grateful for any advice.